Sunday Morning Over Easy

Sunday Morning Over Easy~New music & Other gems to sip coffee to…

I recently got back from my first SXSW in the great city of Austin, TX.  The event is pure musical gluttony with seemingly every band in the world coming to town to play anywhere that can possibly fit  musicians.  I wasn’t there representing team Vandalay, but rather was there for work…  “Work.”  After the first few hours of wandering the streets from bar to bar and room to room  I began to wonder how anyone could possibly bubble up over the stew of musicians who descend on Austin.  So when I did actually hear someone slip through the cracks in the wall of sound, it makes the whole experience worth it.

I was hanging out at a coffee shop called Flipnotics and just happened to catch a singer/songwriter named John Craigie who stopped me in my tracks.  His songs are honest, down to Earth, humorous, yet not depressing.  He doesn’t whine or mumble into the mic (a trend that seems to be strangely popular these days) but truly performs his songs with an easy rapport with the audience that draws you in.

I gave John some gas money in exchange for his lovely CD October is the Kindest Month and fell in love with it at first strum.  It’s been living in my player for 3 weeks and will continue to dwell there for the next 6 months.  Start to finish, it’s a pure gem.  You’ll make your life better by getting this CD.

So, the Art Vandalay Sunday Morning Over Easy (it was morning when I started this post) recommendation is John Craigie, October is the Kindest Month.  Sip your coffee and enjoy!

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